Anhydride :: Anhydride (n.) An oxide of a nonmetallic body or an organic radical, capable of forming an acid by uniting with the elements of water; -- so called because it may be formed from an acid by the abstraction of water..
Anhydrite :: Anhydrite (n.) A mineral of a white or a slightly bluish color, usually massive. It is anhydrous sulphate of lime, and differs from gypsum in not containing water (whence the name)..
Carbohydride :: Carbohydride (n.) A hydrocarbon.
Chlorhydric :: Chlorhydric (a.) Same as Hydrochloric.
Chlorhydrin :: Chlorhydrin (n.) One of a class of compounds formed from certain polybasic alcohols (and especially glycerin) by the substitution of chlorine for one or more hydroxyl groups.
Conhydrine :: Conhydrine (n.) A vegetable alkaloid found with conine in the poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). It is a white crystalline substance, C8H17NO, easily convertible into conine..
Fluohydric :: Fluohydric (a.) See Hydrofluoric.
Hydria :: Hydria (n.) A water jar; esp., one with a large rounded body, a small neck, and three handles. Some of the most beautiful Greek vases are of this form..
Hydriad :: Hydriad (n.) A water nymph.
Hydric :: Hydric (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, hydrogen; as, hydric oxide..
Hydride :: Hydride (n.) A compound of the binary type, in which hydrogen is united with some other element..
Hydriform :: Hydriform (a.) Having the form or structure of a hydra.
Hydrina :: Hydrina (n. pl.) The group of hydroids to which the fresh-water hydras belong.
Hydriodate :: Hydriodate (n.) Same as Hydriodide.
Hydriodic :: Hydriodic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, hydrogen and iodine; -- said of an acid produced by the combination of these elements..
Hydriodide :: Hydriodide (n.) A compound of hydriodic acid with a base; -- distinguished from an iodide, in which only the iodine combines with the base..
Iodhydrin :: Iodhydrin (n.) One of a series of compounds containing iodine, and analogous to the chlorhydrins..
Selenhydric :: Selenhydric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, hydrogen selenide, H2Se, regarded as an acid analogous to sulphydric acid..
Sulphydric :: Sulphydrate (n.) A compound, analogous to a hydrate, regarded as a salt of sulphydric acid, or as a derivative of hydrogen sulphide in which one half of the hydrogen is replaced by a base (as potassium sulphydrate, KSH), or as a hydrate in which the oxygen has been wholly or partially replaced by sulphur..
Tachhydrite :: Tachhydrite (n.) A hydrous chloride of calcium and magnesium occurring in yellowish masses which rapidly deliquesce upon exposure. It is found in the salt mines at Stassfurt.
Tellurhydric :: Tellurhydric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, hydrogen telluride, which is regarded as an acid, especially when in solution..
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