Acetaldehyde :: Acetaldehyde (n.) Acetic aldehyde. See Aldehyde.
Aerohydrodynamic :: Aerohydrodynamic (a.) Acting by the force of air and water; as, an aerohydrodynamic wheel..
Aldehyde :: Aldehyde (n.) A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation..
Aldehydic :: Aldehydic (a.) Of or pertaining to aldehyde; as, aldehydic acid..
Anhydride :: Anhydride (n.) An oxide of a nonmetallic body or an organic radical, capable of forming an acid by uniting with the elements of water; -- so called because it may be formed from an acid by the abstraction of water..
Anhydrite :: Anhydrite (n.) A mineral of a white or a slightly bluish color, usually massive. It is anhydrous sulphate of lime, and differs from gypsum in not containing water (whence the name)..
Anhydrous :: Anhydrous (a.) Destitute of water; as, anhydrous salts or acids..
Antihydrophobic :: Antihydrophobic (a.) Counteracting or preventing hydrophobia.
Bihydroguret :: Bihydroguret (n.) A compound of two atoms of hydrogen with some other substance.
Brachydiagonal :: Brachydiagonal (a.) Pertaining to the shorter diagonal, as of a rhombic prism..
Brachydiagonal :: Brachydiagonal (n.) The shorter of the diagonals in a rhombic prism.
Brachydome :: Brachydome (n.) A dome parallel to the shorter lateral axis. See Dome.
Carbohydrate :: Carbohydrate (n.) One of a group of compounds including the sugars, starches, and gums, which contain six (or some multiple of six) carbon atoms, united with a variable number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, but with the two latter always in proportion as to form water; as dextrose, C6H12O6..
Chlorhydrin :: Chlorhydrin (n.) One of a class of compounds formed from certain polybasic alcohols (and especially glycerin) by the substitution of chlorine for one or more hydroxyl groups.
Conhydrine :: Conhydrine (n.) A vegetable alkaloid found with conine in the poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). It is a white crystalline substance, C8H17NO, easily convertible into conine..
Cryohydrate :: Cryohydrate (n.) A substance, as salt, ammonium chloride, etc., which crystallizes with water of crystallization only at low temperatures, or below the freezing point of water..
Dehydrate :: Dehydrate (v. t.) To deprive of water; to render free from water; as, to dehydrate alcohol..
Dehydration :: Dehydration (n.) The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition of a body from which the water has been removed..
Dehydrogenate :: Dehydrogenate (v. t.) To deprive of, or free from, hydrogen..
Dehydrogenation :: Dehydrogenation (n.) The act or process of freeing from hydrogen; also, the condition resulting from the removal of hydrogen..