Aplacophora :: Aplacophora (n. pl.) A division of Amphineura in which the body is naked or covered with slender spines or setae, but is without shelly plates..
Basommatophora :: Basommatophora (n. pl.) A group of Pulmonifera having the eyes at the base of the tentacles, including the common pond snails..
Choragic :: Choragic (a.) Of or pertaining to a choragus.
Choragus :: Choragus (n.) A chorus leader; esp. one who provided at his own expense and under his own supervision one of the choruses for the musical contents at Athens.
Choral :: Choral (a.) Of or pertaining to a choir or chorus; singing, sung, or adapted to be sung, in chorus or harmony..
Choral :: Choral (n.) A hymn tune; a simple sacred tune, sung in unison by the congregation; as, the Lutheran chorals..
Choralist :: Choralist (n.) A singer or composer of chorals.
Chorally :: Chorally (adv.) In the manner of a chorus; adapted to be sung by a choir; in harmony.