Hence :: Hence (adv.) From this place; away.
Hence :: Hence (adv.) From this time; in the future; as, a week hence..
Hence :: Hence (adv.) From this reason; as an inference or deduction.
Hence :: Hence (adv.) From this source or origin.
Henceforth :: Henceforth (adv.) From this time forward; henceforward.
Thence :: Thence (adv.) From that time; thenceforth; thereafter.
Thence :: Thence (adv.) For that reason; therefore.
Thence :: Thence (adv.) Not there; elsewhere; absent.
Whence :: Whence (adv.) From what place; hence, from what or which source, origin, antecedent, premise, or the like; how; -- used interrogatively..
Whence :: Whence (adv.) From what or which place, source, material, cause, etc.; the place, source, etc., from which; -- used relatively..
Whenceforth :: Whenceforth (adv.) From, or forth from, what or which place; whence..
Whencesoever :: Whencesoever (adv. & conj.) From what place soever; from what cause or source soever.