Charles''s Wain :: Charles's Wain () The group of seven stars, commonly called the Dipper, in the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear. See Ursa major, under Ursa..
Harlech Group :: Harlech group () A minor subdivision at the base of the Cambrian system in Wales.
Harlequin :: Harlequin (n.) A buffoon, dressed in party-colored clothes, who plays tricks, often without speaking, to divert the bystanders or an audience; a merry-andrew; originally, a droll rogue of Italian comedy..
Harlequin :: Harlequin (n. i.) To play the droll; to make sport by playing ludicrous tricks.
Harlequin :: Harlequin (v. t.) Toremove or conjure away, as by a harlequin's trick..
Harlequinade :: Harlequinade (n.) A play or part of play in which the harlequin is conspicuous; the part of a harlequin.
King Charles Spaniel :: King Charles spaniel () A variety of small pet dogs, having, drooping ears, a high, dome-shaped forehead, pug nose, large, prominent eyes, and long, wavy hair. The color is usually black and tan..