Gut :: Gut (n.) A narrow passage of water; as, the Gut of Canso..
Gut :: Gut (n.) An intenstine; a bowel; the whole alimentary canal; the enteron; (pl.) bowels; entrails.
Gut :: Gut (n.) One of the prepared entrails of an animal, esp. of a sheep, used for various purposes. See Catgut..
Gut :: Gut (n.) The sac of silk taken from a silkworm (when ready to spin its cocoon), for the purpose of drawing it out into a thread. This, when dry, is exceedingly strong, and is used as the snood of a fish line..
Gut :: Gut (v. t.) To take out the bowels from; to eviscerate.
Gut :: Gut (v. t.) To plunder of contents; to destroy or remove the interior or contents of; as, a mob gutted the bouse..
Gutta :: Gutta (n.) One of a series of ornaments, in the form of a frustum of a cone, attached to the lower part of the triglyphs, and also to the lower faces of the mutules, in the Doric order; -- called also campana, and drop..
Gutta-percha :: Gutta-percha (n.) A concrete juice produced by various trees found in the Malayan archipelago, especially by the Isonandra, / Dichopsis, Gutta. It becomes soft, and unpressible at the tamperature of boiling water, and, on cooling, retains its new shape. It dissolves in oils and ethers, but not in water. In many of its properties it resembles caoutchouc, and it is extensively used for many economical purposes. The Mimusops globosa of Guiana also yields this material..
Guttate :: Guttate (a.) Spotted, as if discolored by drops..
Guttated :: Guttated (a.) Besprinkled with drops, or droplike spots..
Guttatrap :: Guttatrap (n.) The inspissated juice of a tree of the genus Artocarpus (A. incisa, or breadfruit tree), sometimes used in making birdlime, on account of its glutinous quality..