Grimace :: Grimace (n.) A distortion of the countenance, whether habitual, from affectation, or momentary aad occasional, to express some feeling, as contempt, disapprobation, complacency, etc.; a smirk; a made-up face..
Grimace :: Grimace (v. i.) To make grimaces; to distort one's face; to make faces.
Grimalkin :: Grimalkin (n.) An old cat, esp. a she-cat..
Griman :: Griman (n.) The man who manipulates a grip.
Pilgrimage :: Pilgrimage (n.) The journey of a pilgrim; a long journey; especially, a journey to a shrine or other sacred place. Fig., the journey of human life..
Pilgrimage :: Pilgrimage (n.) A tedious and wearisome time.