Ember-goose :: Ember-goose (n.) The loon or great northern diver. See Loon.
Goosander :: Goosander (n.) A species of merganser (M. merganser) of Northern Europe and America; -- called also merganser, dundiver, sawbill, sawneb, shelduck, and sheldrake. See Merganser..
Goose :: Goose (n.) Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily Anserinae, and belonging to Anser, Branta, Chen, and several allied genera. See Anseres..
Goose :: Goose (n.) Any large bird of other related families, resembling the common goose..
Goose :: Goose (n.) A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose..
Goose :: Goose (n.) A silly creature; a simpleton.
Goose :: Goose (n.) A game played with counters on a board divided into compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted..
Gooseberry :: Gooseberry (a.) Any thorny shrub of the genus Ribes; also, the edible berries of such shrub. There are several species, of which Ribes Grossularia is the one commonly cultivated..
Gooseberry :: Gooseberry (a.) A silly person; a goose cap.
Mongoos :: Mongoos (n.) A species of ichneumon (Herpestes griseus), native of India. Applied also to other allied species, as the African banded mongoose (Crossarchus fasciatus)..