Eventognathi :: Eventognathi (n. pl.) An order of fishes including a vast number of freshwater species such as the carp, loach, chub, etc..
Gnathic :: Gnathic (a.) Of or pertaining to the jaw.
Gnathidia :: Gnathidia (pl. ) of Gnathidiu.
Gnathidium :: Gnathidium (n.) The ramus of the lower jaw of a bird as far as it is naked; -- commonly used in the plural.
Gnathite :: Gnathite (n.) Any one of the mouth appendages of the Arthropoda. They are known as mandibles, maxillae, and maxillipeds..
Macrognathic :: Macrognathic (a.) Long-jawed.
Nematognathi :: Nematognathi (n. pl.) An order of fishes having barbels on the jaws. It includes the catfishes, or siluroids. See Siluroid..
Orthognathic :: Orthognathic (a.) Orthognathous.
Orthognathism :: Orthognathism (n.) The quality or state of being orthognathous.
Paragnathi :: Paragnathi (pl. ) of Paragnathu.
Pharyngognathi :: Pharyngognathi (n. pl.) A division of fishes in which the lower pharyngeal bones are united. It includes the scaroid, labroid, and embioticoid fishes..
Plectognathi :: Plectognathi (n. pl.) An order of fishes generally having the maxillary bone united with the premaxillary, and the articular united with the dentary..
Plectognathic :: Plectognathic (a.) Alt. of Plec-tognathou.
Prognathi :: Prognathi (n. pl.) A comprehensive group of mankind, including those that have prognathous jaws..
Prognathic :: Prognathic (a.) Prognathous.
Prognathism :: Prognathism (n.) Projection of the jaws.
Scaphognathite :: Scaphognathite (n.) A thin leafike appendage (the exopodite) of the second maxilla of decapod crustaceans. It serves as a pumping organ to draw the water through the gill cavity.
Schizognathism :: Schizognathism (n.) The condition of having a schizognathous palate.
Synentognathi :: Synedral (a.) Growing on the angles of a stem, as the leaves in some species of Selaginella..
Syngnathi :: Syngenesis (n.) A theory of generation in which each germ is supposed to contain the germs of all subsequent generations; -- the opposite of epigenesis.
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