Geraniaceous :: Geraniaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to a natural order of pants (Geraniaceae) which includes the genera Geranium, Pelargonium, and many others..
Geranine :: Geranine (n.) A valuable astringent obtained from the root of the Geranium maculatum or crane's-bill.
Geranine :: Geranine (n.) A liquid terpene, obtained from the crane's-bill (Geranium maculatum), and having a peculiar mulberry odor..
Geranium :: Geranium (n.) A genus of plants having a beaklike tours or receptacle, around which the seed capsules are arranged, and membranous projections, or stipules, at the joints. Most of the species have showy flowers and a pungent odor. Called sometimes crane's-bill..
Geranium :: Geranium (n.) A cultivated pelargonium.
Gerant :: Gerant (n.) The manager or acting partner of a company, joint-stock association, etc..
Refrigerant :: Refrigerant (a.) Cooling; allaying heat or fever.
Refrigerant :: Refrigerant (n.) That which makes to be cool or cold; specifically, a medicine or an application for allaying fever, or the symptoms of fever; -- used also figuratively..