Congeneric :: Congeneric (a.) Alt. of Congenerica.
Congenerical :: Congenerical (a.) Belonging to the same genus; allied in origin, nature, or action..
Generic :: Generic (a.) Alt. of Generica.
Generical :: Generical (a.) Pertaining to a genus or kind; relating to a genus, as distinct from a species, or from another genus; as, a generic description; a generic difference; a generic name..
Generical :: Generical (a.) Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or their characteristics; -- opposed to specific.
Generically :: Generically (adv.) With regard to a genus, or an extensive class; as, an animal generically distinct from another, or two animals or plants generically allied..
Genericalness :: Genericalness (n.) The quality of being generic.
Subgeneric :: Subgelatinous (a.) Imperfectly or partially gelatinous.
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