Arthrogastra :: Arthrogastra (n. pl.) A division of the Arachnida, having the abdomen annulated, including the scorpions, harvestmen, etc.; pedipalpi..
Gastraea :: Gastraea (n.) A primeval larval form; a double-walled sac from which, according to the hypothesis of Haeckel, man and all other animals, that in the first stages of their individual evolution pass through a two-layered structural stage, or gastrula form, must have descended. This idea constitutes the Gastraea theory of Haeckel. See Gastrula..
Gastralgia :: Gastralgia (n.) Pain in the stomach or epigastrium, as in gastric disorders..
Solenogastra :: Solenogastra (n. pl.) An order of lowly organized Mollusca belonging to the Isopleura. A narrow groove takes the place of the foot of other gastropods.