Agast :: Agast (v. t.) Alt. of Aghas.
Agast :: Agast (p. p. & a.) See Aghast.
Agastric :: Agastric (a.) Having to stomach, or distinct digestive canal, as the tapeworm..
Antiorgastic :: Antiorgastic (a.) Tending to allay venereal excitement or desire; sedative.
Antorgastic :: Antorgastic (a.) See Antiorgastic.
Arthrogastra :: Arthrogastra (n. pl.) A division of the Arachnida, having the abdomen annulated, including the scorpions, harvestmen, etc.; pedipalpi..
Branchiogastropoda :: Branchiogastropoda (n. pl.) Those Gastropoda that breathe by branchiae, including the Prosobranchiata and Opisthobranchiata..
Cacogastric :: Cacogastric (a.) Troubled with bad digestion.
Digastric :: Digastric (a.) Having two bellies; biventral; -- applied to muscles which are fleshy at each end and have a tendon in the middle, and esp. to the muscle which pulls down the lower jaw..
Digastric :: Digastric (a.) Pertaining to the digastric muscle of the lower jaw; as, the digastric nerves..
Engastrimuth :: Engastrimuth (n.) An ventriloquist.
Entogastric :: Entogastric (a.) Pertaining to the interior of the stomach; -- applied to a mode of budding from the interior of the gastric cavity, in certain hydroids..
Epigastrial :: Epigastrial (a.) Epigastric.
Epigastric :: Epigastric (a.) Pertaining to the epigastrium, or to the epigastric region..
Epigastric :: Epigastric (a.) Over the stomach; -- applied to two of the areas of the carapace of crabs.
Epigastrium :: Epigastrium (n.) The upper part of the abdomen.
Flabbergast :: Flabbergast (v. t.) To astonish; to strike with wonder, esp. by extraordinary statements..
Flabbergastation :: Flabbergastation (n.) The state of being flabbergasted.
Gast :: Gast (v. t.) To make aghast; to frighten; to terrify. See Aghast.
Gaster :: Gaster (v. t.) To gast.
Gasteromycetes :: Gasteromycetes (n. pl.) An order of fungi, in which the spores are borne inside a sac called the peridium, as in the puffballs..
Gasteropod :: Gasteropod (n.) Same as Gastropod.
Gasteropoda :: Gasteropoda (n. pl.) Same as Gastropoda.
Gasteropodous :: Gasteropodous (a.) Same as Gastropodous.
Gastful :: Gastful (a.) Alt. of Gastl.
Gastight :: Gastight (a.) So tightly fitted as to preclude the escape of gas; impervious to gas.
Gastly :: Gastly (a.) See Ghastful, Ghastly..
Gastness :: Gastness (n.) See Ghastness.
Gastornis :: Gastornis (n.) A genus of large eocene birds from the Paris basin.
Gastraea :: Gastraea (n.) A primeval larval form; a double-walled sac from which, according to the hypothesis of Haeckel, man and all other animals, that in the first stages of their individual evolution pass through a two-layered structural stage, or gastrula form, must have descended. This idea constitutes the Gastraea theory of Haeckel. See Gastrula..
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