Heave Offering :: Heave offering () An offering or oblation heaved up or elevated before the altar, as the shoulder of the peace offering. See Wave offering..
Offering :: Offering (n.) The act of an offerer; a proffering.
Offering :: Offering (n.) That which is offered, esp. in divine service; that which is presented as an expiation or atonement for sin, or as a free gift; a sacrifice; an oblation; as, sin offering..
Offering :: Offering (n.) A sum of money offered, as in church service; as, a missionary offering. Specif.: (Ch. of Eng.) Personal tithes payable according to custom, either at certain seasons as Christmas or Easter, or on certain occasions as marriages or christenings..
Suffering :: Sufferer (n.) One who permits or allows.
Suffering :: Suffering (n.) The bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss; pain endured; distress, loss, or injury incurred; as, sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs..
Unsuffering :: Unsuffering (n.) Inability or incapability of enduring, or of being endured..