Fatal :: Fatal (a.) Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny; necessary; inevitable..
Fatal :: Fatal (a.) Foreboding death or great disaster.
Fatal :: Fatal (a.) Causing death or destruction; deadly; mortal; destructive; calamitous; as, a fatal wound; a fatal disease; a fatal day; a fatal error..
Fatalism :: Fatalism (n.) The doctrine that all things are subject to fate, or that they take place by inevitable necessity..
Fatalist :: Fatalist (n.) One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity.
Fatalistic :: Fatalistic (a.) Implying, or partaking of the nature of, fatalism..
Fatality :: Fatality (n.) The state of being fatal, or proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and rational control..
Fatality :: Fatality (n.) The state of being fatal; tendency to destruction or danger, as if by decree of fate; mortaility..
Fatality :: Fatality (n.) That which is decreed by fate or which is fatal; a fatal event.
Fatally :: Fatally (adv.) In a manner proceeding from, or determined by, fate..
Fatally :: Fatally (adv.) In a manner issuing in death or ruin; mortally; destructively; as, fatally deceived or wounded..