Facile :: Facile (a.) Easy to be done or performed: not difficult; performable or attainable with little labor.
Facile :: Facile (a.) Easy to be surmounted or removed; easily conquerable; readily mastered.
Facile :: Facile (a.) Easy of access or converse; mild; courteous; not haughty, austere, or distant; affable; complaisant..
Facile :: Facile (a.) Easily persuaded to good or bad; yielding; ductile to a fault; pliant; flexible.
Facile :: Facile (a.) Ready; quick; expert; as, he is facile in expedients; he wields a facile pen..
Facilitate :: Facilitate (v. t.) To make easy or less difficult; to free from difficulty or impediment; to lessen the labor of; as, to facilitate the execution of a task..
Facility :: Facility (n.) The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility of an operation..
Facility :: Facility (n.) Ease in performance; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; as, practice gives a wonderful facility in executing works of art..
Facility :: Facility (n.) Easiness to be persuaded; readiness or compliance; -- usually in a bad sense; pliancy.
Facility :: Facility (n.) Easiness of access; complaisance; affability.
Facility :: Facility (n.) That which promotes the ease of any action or course of conduct; advantage; aid; assistance; -- usually in the plural; as, special facilities for study..