Export :: Export (v. t.) To carry away; to remove.
Export :: Export (v. t.) To carry or send abroad, or out of a country, especially to foreign countries, as merchandise or commodities in the way of commerce; -- the opposite of import; as, to export grain, cotton, cattle, goods, etc..
Export :: Export (n.) The act of exporting; exportation; as, to prohibit the export of wheat or tobacco..
Export :: Export (n.) That which is exported; a commodity conveyed from one country or State to another in the way of traffic; -- used chiefly in the plural, exports..
Exportability :: Exportability (n.) The quality or state of being suitable for exportation.
Exportable :: Exportable (a.) Suitable for exportation; as, exportable products..
Exportation :: Exportation (n.) The act of exporting; the act of conveying or sending commodities abroad or to another country, in the course of commerce..
Exportation :: Exportation (n.) Commodity exported; an export.
Exporter :: Exporter (n.) One who exports; the person who sends goods or commodities to a foreign country, in the way of commerce; -- opposed to importer..