Abbess :: Abbess (n.) A female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks. See Abbey..
Abjectedness :: Abjectedness (n.) A very abject or low condition; abjectness.
Abjectness :: Abjectness (n.) The state of being abject; abasement; meanness; servility.
Ableness :: Ableness (n.) Ability of body or mind; force; vigor.
Abominableness :: Abominableness (n.) The quality or state of being abominable; odiousness.
Abortiveness :: Abortiveness (n.) The quality of being abortive.
Abruptness :: Abruptness (n.) The state of being abrupt or broken; craggedness; ruggedness; steepness.
Abruptness :: Abruptness (n.) Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence; as, abruptness of style or manner..
Abscess :: Abscess (n.) A collection of pus or purulent matter in any tissue or organ of the body, the result of a morbid process..
Abscession :: Abscession (n.) A separating; removal; also, an abscess..
Absentness :: Absentness (n.) The quality of being absent-minded.
Absoluteness :: Absoluteness (n.) The quality of being absolute; independence of everything extraneous; unlimitedness; absolute power; independent reality; positiveness.
Absorptiveness :: Absorptiveness (n.) The quality of being absorptive; absorptive power.
Abstemiousness :: Abstemiousness (n.) The quality of being abstemious, temperate, or sparing in the use of food and strong drinks. It expresses a greater degree of abstinence than temperance..