Aberrance :: Aberrance (n.) Alt. of Aberranc.
Aberrancy :: Aberrancy (n.) State of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude, etc..
Aberrant :: Aberrant (a.) Wandering; straying from the right way.
Aberrant :: Aberrant (a.) Deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal.
Aberrate :: Aberrate (v. i.) To go astray; to diverge.
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type..
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) A partial alienation of reason.
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) A small periodical change of position in the stars and other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer; called annual aberration, when the observer's motion is that of the earth in its orbit, and daily or diurnal aberration, when of the earth on its axis; amounting when greatest, in the former case, to 20.4'', and in the latter, to 0.3''. Planetary aberration is that due to the motion of light and the motion of the planet re
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same point, or the deviation of such rays from a single focus; called spherical aberration, when due to the spherical form of the lens or mirror, such form giving different foci for central and marginal rays; and chromatic aberration, when due to different refrangibilities of the colored rays of the spectrum, those of each color having a distinct focus..
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) The passage of blood or other fluid into parts not appropriate for it.
Aberration :: Aberration (n.) The producing of an unintended effect by the glancing of an instrument, as when a shot intended for A glances and strikes B..
Aberrational :: Aberrational (a.) Characterized by aberration.
Atterrate :: Atterrate (v. t.) To fill up with alluvial earth.
Atterration :: Atterration (n.) The act of filling up with earth, or of forming land with alluvial earth..
Biserrate :: Biserrate (a.) Doubly serrate, or having the serratures serrate, as in some leaves..
Biserrate :: Biserrate (a.) Serrate on both sides, as some antennae..
Circumterraneous :: Circumterraneous (a.) Being or dwelling around the earth.
Conferrable :: Conferrable (a.) Capable of being conferred.
Conterranean :: Conterranean (a.) Alt. of Conterraneou.
Conterraneous :: Conterraneous (a.) Of or belonging to the same country.
Deterration :: Deterration (n.) The uncovering of anything buried or covered with earth; a taking out of the earth or ground.
Errable :: Errable (a.) Liable to error; fallible.
Errableness :: Errableness (n.) Liability to error.
Errabund :: Errabund (a.) Erratic.
Errancy :: Errancy (n.) A wandering; state of being in error.
Errand :: Errand (n.) A special business intrusted to a messenger; something to be told or done by one sent somewhere for the purpose; often, a verbal message; a commission; as, the servant was sent on an errand; to do an errand. Also, one's purpose in going anywhere..
Errant :: Errant (a.) Wandering; deviating from an appointed course, or from a direct path; roving..
Errant :: Errant (a.) Notorious; notoriously bad; downright; arrant.
Errant :: Errant (a.) Journeying; itinerant; -- formerly applied to judges who went on circuit and to bailiffs at large.
Errant :: Errant (n.) One who wanders about.
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