Benthal :: Benthal (a.) Relating to the deepest zone or region of the ocean.
Benthamic :: Benthamic (a.) Of or pertaining to Bentham or Benthamism.
Benthamism :: Benthamism (n.) That phase of the doctrine of utilitarianism taught by Jeremy Bentham; the doctrine that the morality of actions is estimated and determined by their utility; also, the theory that the sensibility to pleasure and the recoil from pain are the only motives which influence human desires and actions, and that these are the sufficient explanation of ethical and jural conceptions..
Benthamite :: Benthamite (n.) One who believes in Benthamism.
Disenthrall :: Disenthrall (v. t.) To release from thralldom or slavery; to give freedom to; to disinthrall.
Disenthrallment :: Disenthrallment (n.) Liberation from bondage; emancipation; disinthrallment.
Disenthrone :: Disenthrone (v. t.) To dethrone; to depose from sovereign authority.
Enthelminthes :: Enthelminthes (n. pl.) Intestinal worms. See Helminthes.
Enthrall :: Enthrall (v. t.) To hold in thrall; to enslave. See Inthrall.
Enthrallment :: Enthrallment (n.) The act of enthralling, or state of being enthralled. See Inthrallment..
Enthrill :: Enthrill (v. t.) To pierce; to thrill.
Enthrone :: Enthrone (v. t.) To seat on a throne; to exalt to the seat of royalty or of high authority; hence, to invest with sovereign authority or dignity..
Enthrone :: Enthrone (v. t.) To induct, as a bishop, into the powers and privileges of a vacant see..