Adenoid :: Adenoid (a.) Alt. of Adenoida.
Adenoidal :: Adenoidal (a.) Glandlike; glandular.
Alisphenoid :: Alisphenoid (a.) Alt. of Alisphenoida.
Alisphenoid :: Alisphenoid (n.) The alisphenoid bone.
Alisphenoidal :: Alisphenoidal (a.) Pertaining to or forming the wing of the sphenoid; relating to a bone in the base of the skull, which in the adult is often consolidated with the sphenoid; as, alisphenoid bone; alisphenoid canal..
Amphisbaenoid :: Amphisbaenoid (a.) Like or pertaining to the lizards of the genus Amphisbaena.
Arytenoid :: Arytenoid (a.) Ladle-shaped; -- applied to two small cartilages of the larynx, and also to the glands, muscles, etc., connected with them. The cartilages are attached to the cricoid cartilage and connected with the vocal cords..
Balaenoidea :: Balaenoidea (n.) A division of the Cetacea, including the right whale and all other whales having the mouth fringed with baleen. See Baleen..
Basisphenoid :: Basisphenoid (a.) Alt. of Basisphenoida.
Basisphenoid :: Basisphenoid (n.) The basisphenoid bone.
Basisphenoidal :: Basisphenoidal (a.) Of or pertaining to that part of the base of the cranium between the basioccipital and the presphenoid, which usually ossifies separately in the embryo or in the young, and becomes a part of the sphenoid in the adult..
Coryphaenoid :: Coryphaenoid (a.) Belonging to, or like, the genus Coryphaena. See Dolphin..
Ctenoid :: Ctenoid (a.) Having a comblike margin, as a ctenoid scale.
Ctenoid :: Ctenoid (a.) Pertaining to the Ctenoidei.
Ctenoid :: Ctenoid (n.) A ctenoidean.
Ctenoidean :: Ctenoidean (a.) Relating to the Ctenoidei.
Ctenoidean :: Ctenoidean (n.) One of the Ctenoidei.
Ctenoidei :: Ctenoidei (n. pl.) A group of fishes, established by Agassiz, characterized by having scales with a pectinated margin, as in the perch. The group is now generally regarded as artificial..
Enoint :: Enoint (a.) Anointed.
Glenoid :: Glenoid (a.) Having the form of a smooth and shallow depression; socketlike; -- applied to several articular surfaces of bone; as, the glenoid cavity, or fossa, of the scapula, in which the head of the humerus articulates..
Glenoidal :: Glenoidal (a.) Glenoid.
Muraenoid :: Muraenoid (a.) Alt. of Murenoi.
Murenoid :: Murenoid (a.) Like or pertaining to the genus Muraena, or family Muraenidae..
Neomenoidea :: Neomenoidea (n. pl.) A division of vermiform gastropod mollusks, without a shell, belonging to the Isopleura..
Orbitosphenoid :: Orbitosphenoid (a.) Of or pertaining to the sphenoid bone and the orbit, or to the orbitosphenoid bone..
Orbitosphenoid :: Orbitosphenoid (n.) The orbitosphenoid bone, which is situated in the orbit on either side of the presphenoid. It generally forms a part of the sphenoid in the adult..
Orbitosphenoidal :: Orbitosphenoidal (a.) Of or pertaining to the orbitosphenoid bone; orbitosphenoid.
Parasphenoid :: Parasphenoid (a.) Near the sphenoid bone; -- applied especially to a bone situated immediately beneath the sphenoid in the base of the skull in many animals.
Parasphenoid :: Parasphenoid (n.) The parasphenoid bone.
Postglenoid :: Postglenoid (a.) Situated behind the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.
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