Emeritus :: Emeritus (a.) Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church..
Emeritus :: Emeritus (n.) A veteran who has honorably completed his service.
Ephemeris :: Ephemeris (n.) A publication giving the computed places of the heavenly bodies for each day of the year, with other numerical data, for the use of the astronomer and navigator; an astronomical almanac; as, the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac..
Ephemeris :: Ephemeris (n.) Any tabular statement of the assigned places of a heavenly body, as a planet or comet, on several successive days..
Ephemeris :: Ephemeris (n.) A collective name for reviews, magazines, and all kinds of periodical literature..
Ephemerist :: Ephemerist (n.) One who studies the daily motions and positions of the planets.
Ephemerist :: Ephemerist (n.) One who keeps an ephemeris; a journalist.
Euhemerism :: Euhemerism (n.) The theory, held by Euhemerus, that the gods of mythology were but deified mortals, and their deeds only the amplification in imagination of human acts..
Euhemerist :: Euhemerist (n.) One who advocates euhemerism.
Euhemeristic :: Euhemeristic (a.) Of or pertaining to euhemerism.
Euhemerize :: Euhemerize (v. t.) To interpret (mythology) on the theory of euhemerism.
Premerit :: Premerit (v. t.) To merit or deserve beforehand.
Temerity :: Temerity (n.) Unreasonable contempt of danger; extreme venturesomeness; rashness; as, the temerity of a commander in war..