"""belord " :: Belord (v. t.) To address by the title of lord..
Abelonian :: Abelonian (n.) One of a sect in Africa (4th century), mentioned by St. Augustine, who states that they married, but lived in continence, after the manner, as they pretended, of Abel..
Adelocodonic :: Adelocodonic (a.) Applied to sexual zooids of hydroids, that have a saclike form and do not become free; -- opposed to phanerocodonic..
Adelopod :: Adelopod (n.) An animal having feet that are not apparent.
Amphicoelous :: Amphicoelous (a.) Having both ends concave; biconcave; -- said of vertebrae.
Amyelous :: Amyelous (a.) Wanting the spinal cord.
Angelology :: Angelology (n.) A discourse on angels, or a body of doctrines in regard to angels..
Angelophany :: Angelophany (n.) The actual appearance of an angel to man.
Angelot :: Angelot (n.) A French gold coin of the reign of Louis XI., bearing the image of St. Michael; also, a piece coined at Paris by the English under Henry VI..
Angelot :: Angelot (n.) An instrument of music, of the lute kind, now disused..
Angelot :: Angelot (n.) A sort of small, rich cheese, made in Normandy..
Anhelous :: Anhelous (a.) Short of breath; panting.
Anneloid :: Anneloid (n.) An animal resembling an annelid.
Antelope :: Antelope (n.) One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds, intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are usually annulated, or ringed. There are many species in Africa and Asia..
Archelogy :: Archelogy (n.) The science of, or a treatise on, first principles..
Bachelor :: Bachelor (n.) A man of any age who has not been married.
Bachelor :: Bachelor (n.) A person who has taken the first or lowest degree in the liberal arts, or in some branch of science, at a college or university; as, a bachelor of arts..
Bachelor :: Bachelor (n.) A knight who had no standard of his own, but fought under the standard of another in the field; often, a young knight..
Bachelor :: Bachelor (n.) In the companies of London tradesmen, one not yet admitted to wear the livery; a junior member..
Bachelor :: Bachelor (n.) A kind of bass, an edible fresh-water fish (Pomoxys annularis) of the southern United States..
Bachelor''s Button :: Bachelor's button () A plant with flowers shaped like buttons; especially, several species of Ranunculus, and the cornflower (Centaures cyanus) and globe amaranth (Gomphrena)..
Bachelordom :: Bachelordom (n.) The state of bachelorhood; the whole body of bachelors.
Bachelorhood :: Bachelorhood (n.) The state or condition of being a bachelor; bachelorship.
Bachelorism :: Bachelorism (n.) Bachelorhood; also, a manner or peculiarity belonging to bachelors..
Bachelorship :: Bachelorship (n.) The state of being a bachelor.
Belock :: Belock (v. t.) To lock, or fasten as with a lock..