Aceldama :: Aceldama (n.) The potter's field, said to have lain south of Jerusalem, purchased with the bribe which Judas took for betraying his Master, and therefore called the field of blood. Fig.: A field of bloodshed..
Butt Weld :: Butt weld () See Butt weld, under Butt..
Buttweld :: Buttweld (v. t.) To unite by a butt weld.
Cornfield :: Cornfield (n.) A field where corn is or has been growing; -- in England, a field of wheat, rye, barley, or oats; in America, a field of Indian corn..
Elder :: Elder (a.) Older; more aged, or existing longer..
Elder :: Elder (a.) Born before another; prior in years; senior; earlier; older; as, his elder brother died in infancy; -- opposed to younger, and now commonly applied to a son, daughter, child, brother, etc..
Elder :: Elder (a.) One who is older; a superior in age; a senior.
Elder :: Elder (a.) An aged person; one who lived at an earlier period; a predecessor.
Elder :: Elder (a.) A person who, on account of his age, occupies the office of ruler or judge; hence, a person occupying any office appropriate to such as have the experience and dignity which age confers; as, the elders of Israel; the elders of the synagogue; the elders in the apostolic church..
Elder :: Elder (a.) A clergyman authorized to administer all the sacraments; as, a traveling elder..
Elder :: Elder (n.) A genus of shrubs (Sambucus) having broad umbels of white flowers, and small black or red berries..