Dowel :: Dowel (n.) A pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in the abutting portions of two pieces, and being partly in one piece and partly in the other, to keep them in their proper relative position..
Dowel :: Dowel (n.) A piece of wood driven into a wall, so that other pieces may be nailed to it..
Dowel :: Dowel (v. t.) To fasten together by dowels; to furnish with dowels; as, a cooper dowels pieces for the head of a cask..
Dower :: Dower (n.) That with which one is gifted or endowed; endowment; gift.
Dower :: Dower (n.) The property with which a woman is endowe.
Dower :: Dower (n.) That which a woman brings to a husband in marriage; dowry.
Dower :: Dower (n.) That portion of the real estate of a man which his widow enjoys during her life, or to which a woman is entitled after the death of her husband..
Dowered :: Dowered (p. a.) Furnished with, or as with, dower or a marriage portion..
Dowerless :: Dowerless (a.) Destitute of dower; having no marriage portion.