Aggrandize :: Aggrandize (v. t.) To make great; to enlarge; to increase; as, to aggrandize our conceptions, authority, distress..
Aggrandize :: Aggrandize (v. t.) To make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; -- applied to persons, countries, etc..
Aggrandize :: Aggrandize (v. t.) To make appear great or greater; to exalt.
Aggrandizement :: Aggrandizement (n.) The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth; exaltation; enlargement; as, the emperor seeks only the aggrandizement of his own family..
Bastardize :: Bastardize (v. t.) To make or prove to be a bastard; to stigmatize as a bastard; to declare or decide legally to be illegitimate.
Bedizen :: Bedizen (v. t.) To dress or adorn tawdrily or with false taste.
Bedizenment :: Bedizenment (n.) That which bedizens; the act of dressing, or the state of being dressed, tawdrily..
Dastardize :: Dastardize (v. t.) To make cowardly; to intimidate; to dispirit; as, to dastardize my courage..
Deoxidize :: Deoxidize (v. t.) To deprive of oxygen; to reduce from the state of an oxide.
Deoxidizer :: Deoxidizer (n.) That which removes oxygen; hence, a reducing agent; as, nascent hydrogen is a deoxidizer..
Diamondize :: Diamondize (v. t.) To set with diamonds; to adorn; to enrich.
Dizen :: Dizen (v. t.) To dress; to attire.
Dizen :: Dizen (v. t.) To dress gaudily; to overdress; to bedizen; to deck out.