Desman :: Desman (n.) An amphibious, insectivorous mammal found in Russia (Myogale moschata). It is allied to the moles, but is called muskrat by some English writers..
Desmidian :: Desmidian (n.) A microscopic plant of the family Desmidiae, a group of unicellular algae in which the species have a greenish color, and the cells generally appear as if they consisted of two coalescing halves..
Desmine :: Desmine (n.) Same as Stilbite. It commonly occurs in bundles or tufts of crystals.
Desmodont :: Desmodont (n.) A member of a group of South American blood-sucking bats, of the genera Desmodus and Diphylla. See Vampire..
Desmognathous :: Desmognathous (a.) Having the maxillo-palatine bones united; -- applied to a group of carinate birds (Desmognathae), including various wading and swimming birds, as the ducks and herons, and also raptorial and other kinds..
Desmoid :: Desmoid (a.) Resembling, or having the characteristics of, a ligament; ligamentous..
Desmology :: Desmology (n.) The science which treats of the ligaments.
Desmomyaria :: Desmomyaria (n. pl.) The division of Tunicata which includes the Salpae. See Salpa.
Syndesmography :: Syndactylous (a.) Having the toes firmly united together for some distance, and without an intermediate web, as the kingfishers; gressorial..
Syndesmology :: Syndesmography (n.) A description of the ligaments; syndesmology.
Syndesmoses :: Syndesmology (n.) That part of anatomy which treats of ligaments.