Deprecable :: Deprecable (a.) That may or should be deprecated.
Deprecate :: Deprecate (v. t.) To pray against, as an evil; to seek to avert by prayer; to desire the removal of; to seek deliverance from; to express deep regret for; to disapprove of strongly..
Deprecation :: Deprecation (n.) The act of deprecating; a praying against evil; prayer that an evil may be removed or prevented; strong expression of disapprobation.
Deprecation :: Deprecation (n.) Entreaty for pardon; petitioning.
Deprecatory :: Deprecatory (a.) Serving to deprecate; tending to remove or avert evil by prayer; apologetic.
Depreciate :: Depreciate (v. t.) To lessen in price or estimated value; to lower the worth of; to represent as of little value or claim to esteem; to undervalue.
Depreciate :: Depreciate (v. i.) To fall in value; to become of less worth; to sink in estimation; as, a paper currency will depreciate, unless it is convertible into specie..