Adamical :: Adamical (a.) Of or pertaining to Adam, or resembling him..
Adamite :: Adamite (n.) A descendant of Adam; a human being.
Adamite :: Adamite (n.) One of a sect of visionaries, who, professing to imitate the state of Adam, discarded the use of dress in their assemblies..
Cardamine :: Cardamine (n.) A genus of cruciferous plants, containing the lady's-smock, cuckooflower, bitter cress, meadow cress, etc..
Damiana :: Damiana (n.) A Mexican drug, used as an aphrodisiac..
Damianist :: Damianist (n.) A follower of Damian, patriarch of Alexandria in the 6th century, who held heretical opinions on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity..
Macadamization :: Macadamization (n.) The process or act of macadamizing.
Macadamize :: Macadamize (v. t.) To cover, as a road, or street, with small, broken stones, so as to form a smooth, hard, convex surface..