Appendage :: Appendage (n.) Something appended to, or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it, as a portico to a house..
Appendage :: Appendage (n.) A subordinate or subsidiary part or organ; an external organ or limb, esp. of the articulates..
Appendaged :: Appendaged (a.) Furnished with, or supplemented by, an appendage..
Bandage :: Bandage (n.) A fillet or strip of woven material, used in dressing and binding up wounds, etc..
Bandage :: Bandage (n.) Something resembling a bandage; that which is bound over or round something to cover, strengthen, or compress it; a ligature..
Bandage :: Bandage (v. t.) To bind, dress, or cover, with a bandage; as, to bandage the eyes..
Blindage :: Blindage (n.) A cover or protection for an advanced trench or approach, formed of fascines and earth supported by a framework..
Bondage :: Bondage (a.) The state of being bound; condition of being under restraint; restraint of personal liberty by compulsion; involuntary servitude; slavery; captivity.
Bondage :: Bondage (a.) Villenage; tenure of land on condition of doing the meanest services for the owner.
Bondager :: Bondager (n.) A field worker, esp. a woman who works in the field..
Bordage :: Bordage (n.) The base or servile tenure by which a bordar held his cottage.
Brigandage :: Brigandage (n.) Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.
Cloudage :: Cloudage (n.) Mass of clouds; cloudiness.
Cordage :: Cordage (n.) Ropes or cords, collectively; hence, anything made of rope or cord, as those parts of the rigging of a ship which consist of ropes..