Cuff :: Cuff (v. i.) To fight; to scuffle; to box.
Cuff :: Cuff (n.) A blow; esp.,, a blow with the open hand; a box; a slap..
Cuff :: Cuff (n.) The fold at the end of a sleeve; the part of a sleeve turned back from the hand.
Cuff :: Cuff (n.) Any ornamental appendage at the wrist, whether attached to the sleeve of the garment or separate; especially, in modern times, such an appendage of starched linen, or a substitute for it of paper, or the like..
Fisticuff :: Fisticuff (n.) A cuff or blow with the fist or han.
Fisticuff :: Fisticuff (n.) a fight with the fists; boxing.
Handcuff :: Handcuff (n.) A fastening, consisting of an iron ring around the wrist, usually connected by a chain with one on the other wrist; a manacle; -- usually in the plural..
Handcuff :: Handcuff (v. t.) To apply handcuffs to; to manacle.