Boa Constrictor :: Boa constrictor () A large and powerful serpent of tropical America, sometimes twenty or thirty feet long. See Illustration in Appendix..
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To secure by bonds; to chain; to bond or confine; to hold tightly; to constringe.
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To bring into a narrow compass; to compress.
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To hold back by force; to restrain; to repress.
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To compel; to force; to necessitate; to oblige.
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To violate; to ravish.
Constrain :: Constrain (v. t.) To produce in such a manner as to give an unnatural effect; as, a constrained voice..
Constrainable :: Constrainable (a.) Capable of being constrained; liable to constraint, or to restraint..
Constraint :: Constraint (n.) The act of constraining, or the state of being constrained; that which compels to, or restrains from, action; compulsion; restraint; necessity..
Constriction :: Constriction (n.) The act of constricting by means of some inherent power or by movement or change in the thing itself, as distinguished from compression..
Constriction :: Constriction (n.) The state of being constricted; the point where a thing is constricted; a narrowing or binding.
Constrictive :: Constrictive (a.) Serving or tending to bind or constrict.
Constrictor :: Constrictor (n.) That which constricts, draws together, or contracts..
Constrictor :: Constrictor (n.) A muscle which contracts or closes an orifice, or which compresses an organ; a sphincter..
Constrictor :: Constrictor (n.) A serpent that kills its prey by inclosing and crushing it with its folds; as, the boa constrictor..
Constringe :: Constringe (v. t.) To dawn together; to contract; to force to contract itself; to constrict; to cause to shrink.