Connascency :: Connascency (n.) The common birth of two or more at the same tome; production of two or more together.
Connascency :: Connascency (n.) That which is born or produced with another.
Connascency :: Connascency (n.) The act of growing together.
Connascent :: Connascent (a.) Born together; produced at the same time.
Connate :: Connate (a.) Born with another; being of the same birth.
Connate :: Connate (a.) Congenital; existing from birth.
Connate :: Connate (a.) Congenitally united; growing from one base, or united at their bases; united into one body; as, connate leaves or athers. See Illust. of Connate-perfoliate..
Connate-perfoliate :: Connate-perfoliate (a.) Connate or coalescent at the base so as to produce a broad foliaceous body through the center of which the stem passes; -- applied to leaves, as the leaves of the boneset..
Connation :: Connation (n.) Connection by birth; natural union.
Connatural :: Connatural (a. ) Connected by nature; united in nature; inborn; inherent; natural.
Connatural :: Connatural (a. ) Partaking of the same nature.
Connaturality :: Connaturality (n.) Participation of the same nature; natural union or connection.
Connaturalize :: Connaturalize (v. t.) To bring to the same nature as something else; to adapt.
Connaturally :: Connaturally (adv.) By the act of nature; originally; from birth.
Connaturalness :: Connaturalness (n.) Participation of the same nature; natural union.
Connature :: Connature (n.) Participation in a common nature or character.
Reconnaissance :: Reconnaissance (n.) The act of reconnoitering; preliminary examination or survey.
Reconnaissance :: Reconnaissance (n.) An examination or survey of a region in reference to its general geological character.
Reconnaissance :: Reconnaissance (n.) An examination of a region as to its general natural features, preparatory to a more particular survey for the purposes of triangulation, or of determining the location of a public work..
Reconnaissance :: Reconnaissance (n.) An examination of a territory, or of an enemy's position, for the purpose of obtaining information necessary for directing military operations; a preparatory expedition..