Complete :: Complete (a.) Filled up; with no part or element lacking; free from deficiency; entire; perfect; consummate.
Complete :: Complete (a.) Finished; ended; concluded; completed; as, the edifice is complete..
Complete :: Complete (a.) Having all the parts or organs which belong to it or to the typical form; having calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistil..
Complete :: Complete (v. t.) To bring to a state in which there is no deficiency; to perfect; to consummate; to accomplish; to fulfill; to finish; as, to complete a task, or a poem; to complete a course of education..
Completion :: Completion (n.) The act or process of making complete; the getting through to the end; as, the completion of an undertaking, an education, a service..
Completion :: Completion (n.) State of being complete; fulfillment; accomplishment; realization.
Incomplete :: Incomplete (a.) Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect; defective..
Incomplete :: Incomplete (a.) Wanting any of the usual floral organs; -- said of a flower.