Commendable :: Commendable (a.) Worthy of being commended or praised; laudable; praiseworthy.
Commendam :: Commendam (n.) A vacant living or benefice commended to a cleric (usually a bishop) who enjoyed the revenue until a pastor was provided. A living so held was said to be held in commendam. The practice was abolished by law in 1836.
Commendatary :: Commendatary (n.) One who holds a living in commendam.
Commendation :: Commendation (n.) The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; recommendation.
Commendation :: Commendation (n.) That which is the ground of approbation or praise.
Commendation :: Commendation (n.) A message of affection or respect; compliments; greeting.
Commendator :: Commendator (n.) One who holds a benefice in commendam; a commendatary.
Commendatory :: Commendatory (a.) Serving to commend; containing praise or commendation; commending; praising.
Commendatory :: Commendatory (a.) Holding a benefice in commendam; as, a commendatory bishop..
Discommender :: Discommender (n.) One who discommends; a dispraiser.
In Commendam :: In commendam () See Commendam, and Partnership in Commendam, under Partnership..
Recommend :: Recommend (v. t.) To commend to the favorable notice of another; to commit to another's care, confidence, or acceptance, with favoring representations; to put in a favorable light before any one; to bestow commendation on; as, he recommended resting the mind and exercising the body..
Recommend :: Recommend (v. t.) To make acceptable; to attract favor to.
Recommend :: Recommend (v. t.) To commit; to give in charge; to commend.
Recommendable :: Recommendable (a.) Suitable to be recommended; worthy of praise; commendable.