Cognizable :: Cognizable (a.) Capable of being known or apprehended; as, cognizable causes..
Cognizable :: Cognizable (a.) Fitted to be a subject of judicial investigation; capable of being judicially heard and determined.
Cognizably :: Cognizably (adv.) In a cognizable manner.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) Apprehension by the understanding; perception; observation.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) Recollection; recognition.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) Jurisdiction, or the power given by law to hear and decide controversies..
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) The hearing a matter judicially.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) An acknowledgment of a fine of lands and tenements or confession of a thing done.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) A form of defense in the action of replevin, by which the defendant insists that the goods were lawfully taken, as a distress, by defendant, acting as servant for another..
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) The distinguishing mark worn by an armed knight, usually upon the helmet, and by his retainers and followers: Hence, in general, a badge worn by a retainer or dependent, to indicate the person or party to which he belonged; a token by which a thing may be known..
Cognizant :: Cognizant (a.) Having cognizance or knowledge. (of).
Cognize :: Cognize (v. t.) To know or perceive; to recognize.
Cognizee :: Cognizee (n.) One to whom a fine of land was acknowledged.
Cognizor :: Cognizor (n.) One who acknowledged the right of the plaintiff or cognizee in a fine; the defendant.
Incognizable :: Incognizable (a.) Not cognizable; incapable of being recognized, known, or distinguished..
Incognizance :: Incognizance (n.) Failure to cognize, apprehended, or notice..
Incognizant :: Incognizant (a.) Not cognizant; failing to apprehended or notice.
Irrecognizable :: Irrecognizable (a.) Not recognizable.
Miscognizant :: Miscognizant (a.) Not cognizant; ignorant; not knowing.
Miscognize :: Miscognize (v. t.) To fail to apprehend; to misunderstand.
Precognizable :: Precognizable (a.) Cognizable beforehand.
Recognizability :: Recognizability (n.) The quality or condition of being recognizable.
Recognizable :: Recognizable (a.) Capable of being recognized.
Recognizance :: Recognizance (n.) An obligation of record entered into before some court of record or magistrate duly authorized, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear at the same or some other court, to keep the peace, or pay a debt. A recognizance differs from a bond, being witnessed by the record only, and not by the party's seal..
Recognizance :: Recognizance (n.) The verdict of a jury impaneled upon assize.
Recognizance :: Recognizance (n.) A token; a symbol; a pledge; a badge.
Recognizance :: Recognizance (n.) Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; recognition.
Recognization :: Recognization (n.) Recognition.
Recognize :: Recognize (v. t.) To know again; to perceive the identity of, with a person or thing previously known; to recover or recall knowledge of..
Recognize :: Recognize (v. t.) To avow knowledge of; to allow that one knows; to consent to admit, hold, or the like; to admit with a formal acknowledgment; as, to recognize an obligation; to recognize a consul..
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