Cognac :: Cognac (n.) A kind of French brandy, so called from the town of Cognac..
Cognate :: Cognate (a.) Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (Law), related on the mother's side..
Cognate :: Cognate (a.) Of the same or a similar nature; of the same family; proceeding from the same stock or root; allied; kindred; as, a cognate language..
Cognate :: Cognate (n.) One who is related to another on the female side.
Cognate :: Cognate (n.) One of a number of things allied in origin or nature; as, certain letters are cognates..
Cognati :: Cognati (n. pl.) Relatives by the mother's side.
Cognation :: Cognation (n.) Relationship by blood; descent from the same original; kindred.
Cognation :: Cognation (n.) Participation of the same nature.
Cognation :: Cognation (n.) That tie of consanguinity which exists between persons descended from the same mother; -- used in distinction from agnation.
Cognatus :: Cognatus (n.) A person connected through cognation.
Cognisee :: Cognisee (n.) See Cognizor, Cognizee..
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) Jurisdiction, or the power given by law to hear and decide controversies..
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) The hearing a matter judicially.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) An acknowledgment of a fine of lands and tenements or confession of a thing done.
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) A form of defense in the action of replevin, by which the defendant insists that the goods were lawfully taken, as a distress, by defendant, acting as servant for another..
Cognizance :: Cognizance (n.) The distinguishing mark worn by an armed knight, usually upon the helmet, and by his retainers and followers: Hence, in general, a badge worn by a retainer or dependent, to indicate the person or party to which he belonged; a token by which a thing may be known..
Cognizant :: Cognizant (a.) Having cognizance or knowledge. (of).
Cognize :: Cognize (v. t.) To know or perceive; to recognize.
Cognizee :: Cognizee (n.) One to whom a fine of land was acknowledged.
Cognizor :: Cognizor (n.) One who acknowledged the right of the plaintiff or cognizee in a fine; the defendant.