Ascococcus :: Ascococcus (n.) A form of micrococcus, found in putrid meat infusions, occurring in peculiar masses, each of which is inclosed in a hyaline capsule and contains a large number of spherical micrococci..
Cocciferous :: Cocciferous (a.) Bearing or producing berries; bacciferous; as, cocciferous trees or plants..
Coccinella :: Coccinella (n.) A genus of small beetles of many species. They and their larvae feed on aphids or plant lice, and hence are of great benefit to man. Also called ladybirds and ladybugs..
Coccobacterium :: Coccobacterium (n.) One of the round variety of bacteria, a vegetable organism, generally less than a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter..
Coccolite :: Coccolite (n.) A granular variety of pyroxene, green or white in color..
Coccolith :: Coccolith (n.) One of a kind of minute, calcareous bodies, probably vegetable, often abundant in deep-sea mud..
Coccosphere :: Coccosphere (n.) A small, rounded, marine organism, capable of braking up into coccoliths..
Coccosteus :: Coccosteus (n.) An extinct genus of Devonian ganoid fishes, having the broad plates about the head studded with berrylike tubercles..
Cocculus Indicus :: Cocculus Indicus (n.) The fruit or berry of the Anamirta Cocculus, a climbing plant of the East Indies. It is a poisonous narcotic and stimulant..
Coccus :: Coccus (n.) One of the separable carpels of a dry fruit.
Coccus :: Coccus (n.) A genus of hemipterous insects, including scale insects, and the cochineal insect (Coccus cacti)..
Coccus :: Coccus (n.) A form of bacteria, shaped like a globule..
Coccygeal :: Coccygeal (a.) Of or pertaining to the coccyx; as, the coccygeal vertebrae..
Coccyx :: Coccyx (n.) The end of the vertebral column beyond the sacrum in man and tailless monkeys. It is composed of several vertebrae more or less consolidated.
Diplococcus :: Diplococcus (n.) A form of micrococcus in which cocci are united in a binary manner. See Micrococcus.
Echinococcus :: Echinococcus (n.) A parasite of man and of many domestic and wild animals, forming compound cysts or tumors (called hydatid cysts) in various organs, but especially in the liver and lungs, which often cause death. It is the larval stage of the Taenia echinococcus, a small tapeworm peculiar to the dog..
Gonococcus :: Gonococcus (n.) A vegetable microorganism of the genus Micrococcus, occurring in the secretion in gonorrhea. It is believed by some to constitute the cause of this disease..
Micrococcal :: Micrococcal (a.) Of or pertaining to micrococci; caused by micrococci.
Micrococcus :: Micrococcus (n.) A genus of Spherobacteria, in the form of very small globular or oval cells, forming, by transverse division, filaments, or chains of cells, or in some cases single organisms shaped like dumb-bells (Diplococcus), all without the power of motion. See Illust. of Ascoccus..