Circumscriptible :: Circumscriptible (a.) Capable of being circumscribed or limited by bounds.
Circumscription :: Circumscription (n.) An inscription written around anything.
Circumscription :: Circumscription (n.) The exterior line which determines the form or magnitude of a body; outline; periphery.
Circumscription :: Circumscription (n.) The act of limiting, or the state of being limited, by conditions or restraints; bound; confinement; limit..
Circumscriptive :: Circumscriptive (a.) Circumscribing or tending to circumscribe; marcing the limits or form of.
Circumscriptively :: Circumscriptively (adv.) In a limited manner.
Circumscriptly :: Circumscriptly (adv.) In a literal, limited, or narrow manner..
Incircumscriptible :: Incircumscriptible (a.) Incapable of being circumscribed or limited.
Incircumscription :: Incircumscription (n.) Condition or quality of being incircumscriptible or limitless.
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