Agallochum :: Agallochum (n.) A soft, resinous wood (Aquilaria Agallocha) of highly aromatic smell, burnt by the orientals as a perfume. It is called also agalwood and aloes wood. The name is also given to some other species..
Anaptychus :: Anaptychus (n.) One of a pair of shelly plates found in some cephalopods, as the ammonites..
Anchusin :: Anchusin (n.) A resinoid coloring matter obtained from alkanet root.
Aptychus :: Aptychus (n.) A shelly plate found in the terminal chambers of ammonite shells. Some authors consider them to be jaws; others, opercula..
Bacchus :: Bacchus (n.) The god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele..
Broad Church :: Broad Church () A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine and fellowship, intermediate between the High Church party and the Low Church, or evangelical, party. The term has been applied to other bodies of men holding liberal or comprehensive views of Christian doctrine and fellowship..
Brochure :: Brochure (v. t.) A printed and stitched book containing only a few leaves; a pamphlet.
Bronchus :: Bronchus (n.) One of the subdivisions of the trachea or windpipe; esp. one of the two primary divisions.
Buchu :: Buchu (n.) A South African shrub (Barosma) with small leaves that are dotted with oil glands; also, the leaves themselves, which are used in medicine for diseases of the urinary organs, etc. Several species furnish the leaves..
Cachucha :: Cachucha (n.) An Andalusian dance in three-four time, resembling the bolero..
Cachunde :: Cachunde (n.) A pastil or troche, composed of various aromatic and other ingredients, highly celebrated in India as an antidote, and as a stomachic and antispasmodic..
Catechu :: Catechu (n.) A dry, brown, astringent extract, obtained by decoction and evaporation from the Acacia catechu, and several other plants growing in India. It contains a large portion of tannin or tannic acid, and is used in medicine and in the arts. It is also known by the names terra japonica, cutch, gambier, etc..
Catechuic :: Catechuic (a.) Of or pertaining to catechu or its derivatives. See catechin.
Catechumen :: Catechumen (L. catechunenus, Gr. / instructed, from /. See) One who is receiving rudimentary instruction in the doctrines of Christianity; a neophyte; in the primitive church, one officially recognized as a Christian, and admitted to instruction preliminary to admission to full membership in the church..
Catechumenate :: Catechumenate (n.) The state or condition of a catechumen or the time during which one is a catechumen.
Catechumenical :: Catechumenical (a.) Of or pertaining to catechumens; as, catechumenical instructions..
Chopchurch :: Chopchurch (n.) An exchanger or an exchange of benefices.
Chub :: Chub (n.) A species to fresh-water fish of the Cyprinidae or Carp family. The common European species is Leuciscus cephalus; the cheven. In America the name is applied to various fishes of the same family, of the genera Semotilus, Squalius, Ceratichthys, etc., and locally to several very different fishes, as the tautog, black bass, etc..
Chub-faced :: Chub-faced (a.) Having a plump, short face..