Acatalectic :: Acatalectic (a.) Not defective; complete; as, an acatalectic verse..
Acatalectic :: Acatalectic (n.) A verse which has the complete number of feet and syllables.
Acatalepsy :: Acatalepsy (n.) Incomprehensibility of things; the doctrine held by the ancient Skeptic philosophers, that human knowledge never amounts to certainty, but only to probability..
Acataleptic :: Acataleptic (a.) Incapable of being comprehended; incomprehensible.
Brachycatalectic :: Brachycatalectic (n.) A verse wanting two syllables at its termination.
Catalan :: Catalan (a.) Of or pertaining to Catalonia.
Catalan :: Catalan (n.) A native or inhabitant of Catalonia; also, the language of Catalonia..
Catalectic :: Catalectic (a.) Wanting a syllable at the end, or terminating in an imperfect foot; as, a catalectic verse..
Catalectic :: Catalectic (a.) Incomplete; partial; not affecting the whole of a substance.
Catalepsis :: Catalepsis (n.) A sudden suspension of sensation and volition, the body and limbs preserving the position that may be given them, while the action of the heart and lungs continues..
Cataleptic :: Cataleptic (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, catalepsy; affected with catalepsy; as, a cataleptic fit..
Catallacta :: Catallacta (n. pl.) A division of Protozoa, of which Magosphaera is the type. They exist both in a myxopod state, with branched pseudopodia, and in the form of ciliated bodies united in free, spherical colonies..
Catallactics :: Catallactics (n.) The science of exchanges, a branch of political economy..
Catalogize :: Catalogize (v. t.) To insert in a catalogue; to register; to catalogue.
Catalogue :: Catalogue (n.) A list or enumeration of names, or articles arranged methodically, often in alphabetical order; as, a catalogue of the students of a college, or of books, or of the stars..
Catalogue :: Catalogue (v. t.) To make a list or catalogue; to insert in a catalogue.
Catalpa :: Catalpa (n.) A genus of American and East Indian trees, of which the best know species are the Catalpa bignonioides, a large, ornamental North American tree, with spotted white flowers and long cylindrical pods, and the C. speciosa, of the Mississipi valley; -- called also Indian bean..
Catalysis :: Catalysis (n.) A process by which reaction occurs in the presence of certain agents which were formerly believed to exert an influence by mere contact. It is now believed that such reactions are attended with the formation of an intermediate compound or compounds, so that by alternate composition and decomposition the agent is apparenty left unchanged; as, the catalysis of making ether from alcohol by means of sulphuric acid; or catalysis in the action of soluble ferments (as diastase, or ptyali