Acardiac :: Acardiac (a.) Without a heart; as, an acardiac fetus..
Anacardiaceous :: Anacardiaceous (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, a family, or order, of plants of which the cashew tree is the type, and the species of sumac are well known examples..
Cardialgy :: Cardialgy (n.) A burning or gnawing pain, or feeling of distress, referred to the region of the heart, accompanied with cardiac palpitation; heartburn. It is usually a symptom of indigestion..
Diplocardiac :: Diplocardiac (a.) Having the heart completely divided or double, one side systemic, the other pulmonary..
Exocardial :: Exocardial (a.) Situated or arising outside of the heat; as, exocardial murmurs; -- opposed to endocardiac..
Hemicardia :: Hemicardia (n.) A lateral half of the heart, either the right or left..
Leptocardia :: Leptocardia (n. pl.) The lowest class of Vertebrata, including only the Amphioxus. The heart is represented only by a simple pulsating vessel. The blood is colorless; the brain, renal organs, and limbs are wanting, and the backbone is represented only by a simple, unsegmented notochord. See Amphioxus..
Leptocardian :: Leptocardian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Leptocardia.