About :: About (adv.) In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; as, a mile about, and a third of a mile across..
About :: About (adv.) Here and there; around; in one place and another.
About :: About (adv.) Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence, in quality, manner, degree, etc.; as, about as cold; about as high; -- also of quantity, number, time..
About :: About (adv.) To a reserved position; half round; in the opposite direction; on the opposite tack; as, to face about; to turn one's self about..
About-sledge :: About-sledge (n.) The largest hammer used by smiths.
Bout :: Bout (n.) As much of an action as is performed at one time; a going and returning, as of workmen in reaping, mowing, etc.; a turn; a round..
Bout :: Bout (n.) A conflict; contest; attempt; trial; a set-to at anything; as, a fencing bout; a drinking bout..
Boutade :: Boutade (n.) An outbreak; a caprice; a whim.
Boutefeu :: Boutefeu (n.) An incendiary; an inciter of quarrels.
Boutonniere :: Boutonniere (n.) A bouquet worn in a buttonhole.
Bouts-rimes :: Bouts-rimes (n. pl.) Words that rhyme, proposed as the ends of verses, to be filled out by the ingenuity of the person to whom they are offered..
Farabout :: Farabout (n.) A going out of the way; a digression.
Marabout :: Marabout (n.) A Mohammedan saint; especially, one who claims to work cures supernaturally..
Right-about :: Right-about (n.) A turning directly about by the right, so as to face in the opposite direction; also, the quarter directly opposite; as, to turn to the right-about..