Ablastemic :: Ablastemic (a.) Non-germinal.
Amphiblastic :: Amphiblastic (a.) Segmenting unequally; -- said of telolecithal ova with complete segmentation.
Arblast :: Arblast (n.) A crossbow. See Arbalest.
Archiblastula :: Archiblastula (n.) A hollow blastula, supposed to be the primitive form; a c/loblastula..
Bioblast :: Bioblast (n.) Same as Bioplast.
Blast :: Blast (n.) A violent gust of wind.
Blast :: Blast (n.) A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace; as, to melt so many tons of iron at a blast..
Blast :: Blast (n.) The exhaust steam from and engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast..
Blast :: Blast (n.) The sound made by blowing a wind instrument; strictly, the sound produces at one breath..
Blast :: Blast (n.) A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight..
Blast :: Blast (n.) The act of rending, or attempting to rend, heavy masses of rock, earth, etc., by the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; also, the charge used for this purpose..
Blast :: Blast (n.) A flatulent disease of sheep.
Blast :: Blast (v. t.) To injure, as by a noxious wind; to cause to wither; to stop or check the growth of, and prevent from fruit-bearing, by some pernicious influence; to blight; to shrivel..
Blast :: Blast (v. t.) Hence, to affect with some sudden violence, plague, calamity, or blighting influence, which destroys or causes to fail; to visit with a curse; to curse; to ruin; as, to blast pride, hopes, or character..
Blast :: Blast (v. t.) To confound by a loud blast or din.
Blast :: Blast (v. t.) To rend open by any explosive agent, as gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; to shatter; as, to blast rocks..
Blast :: Blast (v. i.) To be blighted or withered; as, the bud blasted in the blossom..
Blast :: Blast (v. i.) To blow; to blow on a trumpet.
Blast Pipe :: Blast pipe () The exhaust pipe of a steam engine, or any pipe delivering steam or air, when so constructed as to cause a blast..
Blasted :: Blasted (imp. & p. p.) of Blas.
Blasted :: Blasted (a.) Blighted; withered.
Blasted :: Blasted (a.) Confounded; accursed; detestable.
Blasted :: Blasted (a.) Rent open by an explosive.
Blastema :: Blastema (n.) The structureless, protoplasmic tissue of the embryo; the primitive basis of an organ yet unformed, from which it grows..
Blastemal :: Blastemal (a.) Relating to the blastema; rudimentary.
Blastemata :: Blastemata (pl. ) of Blastem.
Blastematic :: Blastematic (a.) Connected with, or proceeding from, the blastema; blastemal..
Blaster :: Blaster (n.) One who, or that which, blasts or destroys..
Blastide :: Blastide (n.) A small, clear space in the segments of the ovum, the precursor of the nucleus..
Blasting :: Blasting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Blas.
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