Barbituric Acid :: Barbituric acid () A white, crystalline substance, CH2(CO.NH)2.CO, derived from alloxantin, also from malonic acid and urea, and regarded as a substituted urea..
Bitumen :: Bitumen (n.) Mineral pitch; a black, tarry substance, burning with a bright flame; Jew's pitch. It occurs as an abundant natural product in many places, as on the shores of the Dead and Caspian Seas. It is used in cements, in the construction of pavements, etc. See Asphalt..
Bitumen :: Bitumen (n.) By extension, any one of the natural hydrocarbons, including the hard, solid, brittle varieties called asphalt, the semisolid maltha and mineral tars, the oily petroleums, and even the light, volatile naphthas..
Bituminate :: Bituminate (v. t.) To treat or impregnate with bitumen; to cement with bitumen.
Decubitus :: Decubitus (n.) An attitude assumed in lying down; as, the dorsal decubitus..
Decumbiture :: Decumbiture (n.) Confinement to a sick bed, or time of taking to one's bed from sickness..
Decumbiture :: Decumbiture (n.) Aspect of the heavens at the time of taking to one's sick bed, by which the prognostics of recovery or death were made..