Bespeak :: Bespeak (v. t.) To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a favor..
Bespeak :: Bespeak (v. t.) To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.
Bespeak :: Bespeak (v. t.) To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or appearances.
Bespeak :: Bespeak (v. t.) To speak to; to address.
Bespeak :: Bespeak (n.) A bespeaking. Among actors, a benefit (when a particular play is bespoken.).
Bespeckle :: Bespeckle (v. t.) To mark with speckles or spots.
Bespew :: Bespew (v. t.) To soil or daub with spew; to vomit on.
Unbespeak :: Unbespeak (v. t.) To unsay; hence, to annul or cancel..