Alcarraza :: Alcarraza (n.) A vessel of porous earthenware, used for cooling liquids by evaporation from the exterior surface..
Alcarrazas :: Alcarrazas (pl. ) of Alcarraz.
Alcazar :: Alcazar (n.) A fortress; also, a royal palace..
Alkazar :: Alkazar () See Alcazar.
Azalea :: Azalea (n.) A genus of showy flowering shrubs, mostly natives of China or of North America; false honeysuckle. The genus is scarcely distinct from Rhododendron..
Azaleas :: Azaleas (pl. ) of Azale.
Azarole :: Azarole (n.) The Neapolitan medlar (Crataegus azarolus), a shrub of southern Europe; also, its fruit..
Bazaar :: Bazaar (n.) Alt. of Baza.
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) In the East, an exchange, marketplace, or assemblage of shops where goods are exposed for sale..
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) A spacious hall or suite of rooms for the sale of goods, as at a fair..
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) A fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc., commonly for a charitable objects..
Chalaza :: Chalaza (n.) The place on an ovule, or seed, where its outer coats cohere with each other and the nucleus..
Chalaza :: Chalaza (n.) A spiral band of thickened albuminous substance which exists in the white of the bird's egg, and serves to maintain the yolk in its position; the treadle..
Chalazae :: Chalazae (pl. ) of Chalaz.
Chalazal :: Chalazal (a.) Of or pertaining to the chalaza.
Chalazas :: Chalazas (pl. ) of Chalaz.
Haphazard :: Haphazard (n.) Extra hazard; chance; accident; random.
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) A game of chance played with dice.
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) The uncertain result of throwing a die; hence, a fortuitous event; chance; accident; casualty..
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) Risk; danger; peril; as, he encountered the enemy at the hazard of his reputation and life..
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) Holing a ball, whether the object ball (winning hazard) or the player's ball (losing hazard)..
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) Anything that is hazarded or risked, as the stakes in gaming..
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) To expose to the operation of chance; to put in danger of loss or injury; to venture; to risk.
Hazard :: Hazard (n.) To venture to incur, or bring on..
Hazard :: Hazard (v. i.) To try the chance; to encounter risk or danger.
Hazardable :: Hazardable (a.) Liable to hazard or chance; uncertain; risky.
Hazardable :: Hazardable (a.) Such as can be hazarded or risked.
Hazarded :: Hazarded (imp. & p. p.) of Hazar.
Hazarder :: Hazarder (n.) A player at the game of hazard; a gamester.
Hazarder :: Hazarder (n.) One who hazards or ventures.
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