Azalea :: Azalea (n.) A genus of showy flowering shrubs, mostly natives of China or of North America; false honeysuckle. The genus is scarcely distinct from Rhododendron..
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) In the East, an exchange, marketplace, or assemblage of shops where goods are exposed for sale..
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) A spacious hall or suite of rooms for the sale of goods, as at a fair..
Bazar :: Bazar (n.) A fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc., commonly for a charitable objects..
Chalaza :: Chalaza (n.) The place on an ovule, or seed, where its outer coats cohere with each other and the nucleus..
Chalaza :: Chalaza (n.) A spiral band of thickened albuminous substance which exists in the white of the bird's egg, and serves to maintain the yolk in its position; the treadle..