Avernian :: Avernian (a.) Of or pertaining to Avernus, a lake of Campania, in Italy, famous for its poisonous vapors, which ancient writers fancied were so malignant as to kill birds flying over it. It was represented by the poets to be connected with the infernal regions..
Cavern :: Cavern (n.) A large, deep, hollow place in the earth; a large cave..
Cavernous :: Cavernous (a.) Full of caverns; resembling a cavern or large cavity; hollow.
Cavernous :: Cavernous (a.) Filled with small cavities or cells.
Cavernous :: Cavernous (a.) Having a sound caused by a cavity.
Cavernulous :: Cavernulous (a.) Full of little cavities; as, cavernulous metal..
Incaverned :: Incaverned (a.) Inclosed or shut up as in a cavern.
Intercavernous :: Intercavernous (a.) Between the cavernous sinuses; as, the intercavernous sinuses connecting the cavernous sinuses at the base of the brain..
Tavern :: Tavern (n.) A public house where travelers and other transient guests are accomodated with rooms and meals; an inn; a hotel; especially, in modern times, a public house licensed to sell liquor in small quantities..