Admarginate :: Admarginate (v. t.) To write in the margin.
Argil :: Argil (n.) Clay, or potter's earth; sometimes pure clay, or alumina. See Clay..
Argillaceous :: Argillaceous (a.) Of the nature of clay; consisting of, or containing, argil or clay; clayey..
Argilliferous :: Argilliferous (a.) Producing clay; -- applied to such earths as abound with argil.
Argillite :: Argillite (n.) Argillaceous schist or slate; clay slate. Its colors is bluish or blackish gray, sometimes greenish gray, brownish red, etc..
Argillo-areenaceous :: Argillo-areenaceous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, clay and sand, as a soil..
Argillo-calcareous :: Argillo-calcareous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, clay and calcareous earth..
Argillo-ferruginous :: Argillo-ferruginous (a.) Containing clay and iron.
Argillous :: Argillous (a.) Argillaceous; clayey.
Argive :: Argive (a.) Of or performance to Argos, the capital of Argolis in Greece..
Argive :: Argive (n.) A native of Argos. Often used as a generic term, equivalent to Grecian or Greek..
Bimarginate :: Bimarginate (a.) Having a double margin, as certain shells..
Calcareo-argillaceous :: Calcareo-argillaceous (a.) consisting of, or containing, calcareous and argillaceous earths..
Charging :: Charging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Charg.
Discharging :: Discharging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Discharg.
Emarginate :: Emarginate (v. t.) To take away the margin of.
Emarginate :: Emarginate (a.) Alt. of Emarginate.
Emarginated :: Emarginated (a.) Having the margin interrupted by a notch or shallow sinus.
Emarginated :: Emarginated (a.) Notched at the summit.
Emarginated :: Emarginated (a.) Having the edges truncated.
Emarginately :: Emarginately (adv.) In an emarginate manner.
Emargination :: Emargination (n.) The act of notching or indenting the margin, or the state of being so notched; also, a notch or shallow sinus in a margin..
Enargite :: Enargite (n.) An iron-black mineral of metallic luster, occurring in small orthorhombic crystals, also massive. It contains sulphur, arsenic, copper, and often silver..
Encharging :: Encharging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Encharg.
Enlarging :: Enlarging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Enlarg.
Gargil :: Gargil (n.) A distemper in geese, affecting the head..
Immarginate :: Immarginate (a.) Not having a distinctive margin or border.
Inframarginal :: Inframarginal (a.) Below the margin; submarginal; as, an inframarginal convolution of the brain..
Intramarginal :: Intramarginal (a.) Situated within the margin.
Largifical :: Largifical (a.) Generous; ample; liberal.
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