Aration :: Aration (n.) Plowing; tillage.
Comparation :: Comparation (n.) A making ready; provision.
Comparative :: Comparative (a.) Of or pertaining to comparison.
Comparative :: Comparative (a.) Proceeding from, or by the method of, comparison; as, the comparative sciences; the comparative anatomy..
Comparative :: Comparative (a.) Estimated by comparison; relative; not positive or absolute, as compared with another thing or state..
Comparative :: Comparative (a.) Expressing a degree greater or less than the positive degree of the quality denoted by an adjective or adverb. The comparative degree is formed from the positive by the use of -er, more, or less; as, brighter, more bright, or less bright..
Comparative :: Comparative (n.) The comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs; also, the form by which the comparative degree is expressed; as, stronger, wiser, weaker, more stormy, less windy, are all comparatives..
Comparative :: Comparative (n.) An equal; a rival; a compeer.
Comparative :: Comparative (n.) One who makes comparisons; one who affects wit.
Comparatively :: Comparatively (adv.) According to estimate made by comparison; relatively; not positively or absolutely.
Declaration :: Declaration (n.) The act of declaring, or publicly announcing; explicit asserting; undisguised token of a ground or side taken on any subject; proclamation; exposition; as, the declaration of an opinion; a declaration of war, etc..
Declaration :: Declaration (n.) That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression; avowal.
Declaration :: Declaration (n.) The document or instrument containing such statement or proclamation; as, the Declaration of Independence (now preserved in Washington)..
Declaration :: Declaration (n.) That part of the process in which the plaintiff sets forth in order and at large his cause of complaint; the narration of the plaintiff's case containing the count, or counts. See Count, n., 3..
Declarative :: Declarative (a.) Making declaration, proclamation, or publication; explanatory; assertive; declaratory..
Declaratively :: Declaratively (adv.) By distinct assertion; not impliedly; in the form of a declaration.
Exaration :: Exaration (n.) Act of plowing; also, act of writing..
Exhilarating :: Exhilarating (a.) That exhilarates; cheering; gladdening.
Exhilaration :: Exhilaration (n.) The act of enlivening the spirits; the act of making glad or cheerful; a gladdening.
Exhilaration :: Exhilaration (n.) The state of being enlivened or cheerful.
Exilarating :: Exilarating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Exhilarat.
Impreparation :: Impreparation (n.) Want of preparation.
Nonpreparation :: Nonpreparation (n.) Neglect or failure to prepare; want of preparation.
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) The act of preparing or fitting beforehand for a particular purpose, use, service, or condition; previous arrangement or adaptation; a making ready; as, the preparation of land for a crop of wheat; the preparation of troops for a campaign..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) The state of being prepared or made ready; preparedness; readiness; fitness; as, a nation in good preparation for war..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) That which makes ready, prepares the way, or introduces; a preparatory act or measure..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) That which is prepared, made, or compounded by a certain process or for a particular purpose; a combination. Specifically: (a) Any medicinal substance fitted for use. (b) Anything treated for preservation or examination as a specimen. (c) Something prepared for use in cookery..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) An army or fleet.
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) The holding over of a note from one chord into the next chord, where it forms a temporary discord, until resolved in the chord that follows; the anticipation of a discordant note in the preceding concord, so that the ear is prepared for the shock. See Suspension..
Preparation :: Preparation (n.) Accomplishment; qualification.
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